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La presoterapia es una forma sencilla y eficaz de tonificar el cuerpo
¿Cómo funciona la máquina de presoterapia?
Los resultados del tratamiento individual pueden variar según las características fisiológicas únicas del paciente y la cantidad de procedimientos en el curso del tratamiento.
EN: LipoPremo is the answer to the question of how to lose weight in the legs with the benefit of vascular and venous health, one of the not obvious but profitable treatments - the secret of my salon. The feelings of "heavy legs" and swellings are gone. The device weighs only 2.5 kg so it is very easy to move and store, my clients, are delighted with it.
EN: Good at removing congestion, and excess water, sturdy fabric pants, has several functions.
EN: Universal solution for losing weight in the legs, alleviating the symptoms of varicose veins, and eliminating cellulite. Clients note the ease of walking after it. It has two buttons and a large number of modes, and the purchase was a pleasure.